Groombridge Pre-School

About Us


About us

We are a small, happy pre-school situated within the Groombridge Village Hall. Groombridge Pre-School first welcomed children in 1965 with a commitment to make every child feel welcome and every parent to feel happy and confident that their child was in caring, capable hands. Since then, we have grown from strength to strength. We have a safe, secure outdoor play area, good parking, and are at the heart of Groombridge Village and the local community.

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OUr Aims

- To help each child gain the confidence and independence to play with other children, and to communicate with adults beyond their own families;

- To provide a purposeful, challenging and supportive environment in which to enjoy a varied range of activities, enabling each child to become a confident, successful learner;

- To maintain a high ratio of staff to children so that we can cater for the individual needs of each child, enabling them to develop at their own pace.